Saturday, October 14, 2006

Long Friday

Well I was so proud of myself yesterday. I had both girls up, dressed and ready and in the car by 9am, a huge accomplishment considering I usually don't even fully wake up by 10am. I was excited and rearing to go to the playgroup. So, how was it? I don't know, we never made it.

I got lost.

Hopelessly lost.

As in we drove around for two and a half hours before I found my way back to someplace I recognized.

That pretty much put a huge damper in the day. Luckily, by some miracle, Summer slept through the entire trip and Brooke slept through most of it. The rest of the time she kept herself pretty occupied. But I still felt horrible because I had gotten her all excited by telling her we were going to a playgroup and I think she didn't understand why we never went. But we did end up going by Jason's work and taking him out to eat on his lunch break, so that was good. Later when he got home we went to Target and then just hung out at the house.

I still want to go to that playgroup, and when it happens next month I plan on trying again. Jason and I have examined his maps and we pretty much figured out where I went wrong, so next time I should actually get there (fingers crossed).

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