Friday, October 20, 2006

Brooke's birth story

I'm a big fan of blogs, especially ones written by mothers. One thing I have noticed while reading them is that when a child's birthday comes up, often the mother will post the child's birth story and write a letter to the child. I thought this was a nice idea. Although Brooke's second birthday was over a month ago, I've decided to post her birth story anyway. I figured better late than never, and also to provide a perspective on the differences between my two birth experiences. So, without further ado, the birth of Brooke Sarah:

Birth Story of Brooke Sarah


I started feeling back pain on September 2nd. Brooke was already four days overdue, so I went to the doctor. He hooked me up to the fetal monitor and told me that I was not in labor, and that I probably wouldn’t go into labor for another 48 hours. When Jason got home I told him what happened and how the back pain was now much more worse, and felt more like cramps then back pain. We put pillows and blankets on the living room floor and lay down, watching all the Batman movies as the night progressed and my cramps got worse. Finally, around midnight, I somehow fell asleep. I was woken up at 2am by the cramps, which had gotten much worse. I rolled over to wake Jason up and that is when my water broke. I told Jason that my water broke and he asked me if I was sure. At this point I stood up and another gush of water came and I said, “Yes, I’m sure.” I went to change my clothes and get my bag while Jason called the doctor to tell her we were going to the hospital. We also called my mom because I wanted her in the room with us, and she said she would meet us there.

We got in the car and drove and the cramps were really bad and I was yelling. We got to the hospital and I was shaking, the pain was so bad. We got to the hospital and after filling out paperwork the nurse said, “OK we’re going to hook you up to the monitor now to make sure you are in labor” but the doctor walked up and said “It’s obvious she is in labor, get her ready” They brought me to the private room and had me change, then had me lay in the bed. They gave me medication through an IV, which didn’t take away the pain, but made me feel really drunk so that the pain was tolerable. My mom was already there and she sat with Jason in the room with me, talking me through the contractions. I remember one point laughing because of the way the medication made me feel. About a half hour later they gave me the epidural. They kept saying how I was progressing really fast, especially for a woman who has never given birth before. Right after the epidural hit I told them that I felt the urge to push. They checked me and said I was close to ready, and that I would be doing 3 hours of pushing. The nurse took one leg and Jason took the other and the nurse said I could do a little push “for practice.” So I gave a little push and all of a sudden everyone started yelling that they could see the head! I kind of freaked out because it was all happening so fast, and I asked for a mirror so I could see what was going on. They lugged this huge mirror down the hallway and when I looked in it I got scared and asked them to take it away. After 45 minutes of pushing, Brooke Sarah  was born into this world at Memorial Hospital on September 3rd, 2004 at 7:33am, after only 5 hours of labor and 45 minutes of pushing. They placed her right on my stomach and she was crying so loud and she was so beautiful!! She weighed 7 pounds, 9 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Her eyes were blue, she had thick black hair, and angel kisses on her eye, forehead, and back of neck

So there you have it. And, of course, what birth story would be complete without pictures? Here are some pictures of Brooke as a newborn:

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