Sunday, October 22, 2006

And the leaves keep falling...

Today Jason decided to start raking up all the leaves in the yard and Brookie decided to help. Of course, her version of helping is to scoop up armful of leaves and dump them where Jason just finished raking, so needless to say, he didn't get much done. But they had a lot of fun playing together and that is the important thing.

Miss "Helpful" scooping up her next armful

Summer loves to be held, she really does. If she's awake, she wants to be held. If she falls asleep in your arms and you put her down she will wake up and want to be held. There is one block of time each day that I can actually put her down and she will sleep for a good three hours, but other than that she is in my arms. And I'm loving it. I've been wearing her a lot in my adjustable pouch from, so wearing her isn't difficult. I can carry her and wash the dishes at the same time, so I am still getting all my housework done, and I had intended to baby wear her anyways. I joined a baby wearing group for moms in the area and we are working on getting together and just hanging out with our babies in their slings :o)

Today I sterilized and put together my new breast pump, the Medela Pump in Style. I sat down, totally loving the cute little carrying bag with the cute cooler and bottles. I pumped for 15 minutes.

I got 11 oz of breastmilk.

In 15 minutes of pumping.


To put this into perspective, with my old pump I would sit and pump for 30 minutes....and get 6 oz if I was very lucky. I would also have to realllly concentrate in order to stimulate my let down and really get any milk. With the PIS, my let down was stimulated immediately. And I had the pump on the lowest setting. I wonder how much I can pump when it is on the higher settings?

Tomorrow I think I am taking the kiddos to Wally world, I have a TON of pictures that I need to develope. It will really depend on how Brooke is acting. And after Jason gets home I am going to go shoe shopping, I really need to get myself a pair of shoes that fit properly.

That's it,have a good night!

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