Thursday, February 24, 2005

i can do it!

Well i was writing a paper for class but I though I would take a little break and just write a few words.  I took some pics of Brooke today in her jumparoo, which she loves. She is so cute!

Brooke was very cranky today. She's having a growth spurt, so she keeps wanting to eat, but then she just cries at the breast.  She acts like it hurts to eat or something. Maybe she's teething? I don't know, it was so weird. I finally got her to calm down by singing "the ants go marching" to her...she loves that song, and it always works to calm her down.

I'm all excited cause tomorrow is Friday and that means no class for the weekend, and I get to spend some time with Brooke! I tried to find somewhere that has mommy and me yoga today but got no luck. Hopefully I'll find one when I join LLL or the Mommy Group next thursday. I'm so nervous, what if the other mother's don't like me? Ahhhh!

Speaking of mothers, today my mom got me a card that basically encouraged me to stay in school. Everyone is right, I can do it! I AM SUPERMOM, HEAR ME ROAR!

I was supposed to get my wedding cake today, but the lady never showed up. Figures.

Well i guess that's all for today. Back to my paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I"m lovin' those pictures of Brooke! She looks all happy in the jumpy thingy! :-)

I think you need to come up with your own personal theme song to get you through the rest of school.  Something that makes you feel better when you are feeling discouraged, you know?

Sorry about the stupid cake lady. Hopfully she will call you today and beg for your business! And give you a discount!  :-)

I went to Quinsig. last night and talked to an advisor, so I'm going to try and start taking classes again. Oy vey. I'm very very nervous.

Have to run crazy thing called work. And I'm so frustrated with things right now I just want to bury myself in it! (To bad there's not so much to bury myself in...although that can change!)

If I dont' talk to you have a great weekend! Say hello to Brooke for me! :-0