Tuesday, March 7, 2006

I wish I were one of those women!!

There are some women who absolutely thrive during pregnancy.  They glow, they smile, and eagerly jump into their pregnancy.  They are always put together, never get sick, and go about their lives as if their bodies were not competing in a nine month marathon.  These are the same women that, after the baby is born, are able to fit into their size 4 jeans right away, are able to shower, put make up on, and do their hair every morning, and their house is always clean.

I am not one of these women.

Morning sickness is kicking my butt. On top of that, I keep suffering from bad headaches and exhaustion.  I have never felt so exhausted in my life, I can literally feel my bones becoming tired.  I also can't shower unless Jason is home, b/c I need him there in case I get dizzy and pass out.  Brooke is mad at me because I can't play with her, and the house is absolutely atrocious.

This has been my life since my last entry.

Things are looking up, though. The morning sickness is going away, slowly but surely. I have a little more energy. I can now take showers on my own. And Brooke loves me again. I still feel crappy most of the day, and the headaches are still killers, but there's hope, right? I think the exhaustion is the worst thing. I'm in bed every night by 8pm, the latest.

Well, the first doc appt went well. Got an ultrasound done, and the baby's heartbeat looks good. My next appt is the 15th, and I still haven't gotten my blood work done, bad me. My belly has popped out like there is no tomorrow, I am already in maternity clothes.

What else has gone on? Oh, I had my graduation party. It was pretty cool. 

Jason and I have been looking at a lot of houses and a couple seem promising.  I can't wait to move, to have my own house, I'm so excited.

Brooke is doing really well. She has three new teeth coming in, and she is learning new things every day.  She has such the cutest laugh now, and it seems like she laughs at every little thing!

Well, that's it for now. Brooke is taking her nap, so I think I will nap too, while I still can. I'll try to update more often. Ciao!!!

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