It's been a while, but here are some links:
Here's a neat story on a breastfeeding-friendly cafe in the UK. Too bad it wasn't around here, I'd go there every day!
EDP24 - Breast is best at Baby Cafè
This just makes me groan. I mean, out of all the celebrities who have recently given birth, the artist chose Britney Spears, a girl who chose a cesarean to avoid labor pain, to honor in this statue?!? Not only that, but to depict her giving birth naturally on a bear skin rug is just dishonest, nothing about her birth was natural, per her choice!
Dedication Honors Nude Britney Spears Giving Birth - Fine Art & Artists News f
A nice article about overcoming mastistis. I had it twice, thankfully both times were only mild cases.
How To Prevent And Overcome Mastitis - Healthy Breastfeeding Tips
A nice interview with a woman who still breastfeeds her three-year old son.
MUMMY'S MILK: Rachel Torepe with sons Jake, 3 and Ryan, 5, says her son can breastfeed for as long as he likes
The Sunday Mail QLD: Breast is best for my son, 3 [19mar06]
Article on how bf'ing lowers the risk of diabetes for mothers.
Star-Telegram | 03/13/2006 | Breastfeeding cuts Mom's diabetes risk
Article on the obstacles that a nursing mom faces as a professional netball player in Australia
A problem too close to the heart .:. NewKerala - India's Top Online Newspaper
Here's some article's on recent legislation concerning the rights of bf'ing moms. It seems like more and more states are smartening up and passing laws to protect our rights!
Kansas City infoZine - Sebelius Signs Bill Protecting Rights of Breastfeeding
AP Wire | 03/09/2006 | House panel OKs bill allowing public breastfeeding
*sigh* Is it any wonder that this article was written by a man?
And finally, I was actually send an advertisement for this's disgusting.
Bib Feeder Baby Product Feeding Babies
Well that's it. Some of these articles are old, but it's been a while LOL. Ciao!
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