Tuesday, October 31, 2006

happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! To celebrate Halloween, we took Brooke to a children's Halloween parade, put on the by the fire department. There were a lot of kids there, and I posted pics. Before we left I tried to take some pics but Brooke was NOT a happy camper!

Poor kid was angry because I put her hood up on her costume.

Summer was a lot more cooperative in her Halloween outfit :o)

At the parade. You can see Summer peeking out from my pouch.

Brooke had a blast at the parade, she just loved walking around with all the other kids. She was a chatterbox, and tried to give a lot of people hugs.

After the parade we took her trick or treating for a bit, but we only went to four houses. She was very cute and polite, always thanking the people when she got the candy. She will be trading in her candy for a toy....no need for all that sugar ;o).

Well that's it...have a good night!


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