Saturday, October 14, 2006


Well Summer will be three weeks old on Tuesday and it is still hard to believe that she is really in our lives. She brings such a joy to our days and she really does add to our family.

It's funny because Summer is my second child and I find myself comparing her to Brooke a lot. When Brooke was born I didn't really think of her having a personality until later. I just assumed that everything she did was what all babies did. Now that Summer is here I find myself seeing her personality already because she acts differently from how Brooke acted, which made me realize that all baby behavior is not the same and that her personality is shining through already. I think it's fun to think back and remember how things were with Brooke and compare them to how things are with Summer.


One major difference, of course, is size and other physical characteristics. Brooke was 7 lbs 9 oz when born and had trouble with weight gain in the beginning. Summer was 9 lbs 4 oz and has already gained a pound, no trouble there. Although Brooke and Summer do look alike, Summer had my eyes while Brooke has Jason's, and Brooke had huge feet for an infant while Summer's feet look tiny to me. Brooke never got diaper rashes, ever, and yet Summer has had one since day 2. I have yet to use all those cute cloth diapers I bought her because I keep having to use Desitin on her rash. Her skin is definately more sensitive to things than Brooke's ever was. Summer is also more sensitive to what I eat. With Brooke I could eat what I want, drink five cups of coffee a day (and being in school at the time, I often would) and it wouldn't effect her. With Summer, I can't have caffeine (or she won't sleep) and I can't have anything carbonated (she'll projectile vomit).

I think these other differences show the differences in their personalities. Brooke hated to be held like an infant. She always wanted to be held so that she was sitting up. She liked to look around. Summer is the opposite, she hates being held sitting up and loves to be held like a typical infant. Brooke was never a crier per say but she didn't have qualms with crying. Summer is almost three weeks old and I've only heard her cry four times...she loves to communicate in other ways. Brooke hated being swaddled, Summer loves it. Brooke slept more than Summer does, Summer loves to have times where she just looks around and absorbs things.


There are a lot of similarities that I notice. Both love(d) to cluster feed then spend long blocks of time napping. Both sleep really well at night. Both love the boobie milk. And finally, the most striking similarity I find between the two is that they are both major Daddy's girls. That's right, Summer is barely three weeks old and she is a major Daddy's girl. If she isn't eating, then she wants to be in Daddy's arms. She is most content in his arms (unless she is hungry, of course).

Right now Summer is napping and Brooke is out with her Daddy to pick up a few things for tonight. We are having two couples come over for a poker/hang out night. It will be nice to interact with other adults. Ciao!

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