Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Some things in the news that I found interesting:

A really good article on the differences btw formula and breastmilk and the actions of formula companies to discourage breastfeeding. I thought this article was really great, it has fact sheets and everything. It's amazing all that formula companies will do to earn a profit. Here's the link:

Here's an update on legislation in Kansas to protect bf'ing. Go Kansas!

Here's an article on the ad campaign to promote bf'ing. A lot of people think that they are too harsh and make mothers feel guilty. My opinion? I like them. And if someone feels guilty b/c of these ads, then they really don't have confidence in their choice to formula feed. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Noone can make you feel inferior without your consent." With everything the formula companies do to advertise formula feeding, ads to promote bf'ing have to be "in your face" and shocking. It makes people think. Here's the link:

Well that's it for now. Ciao!


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