Sunday, January 8, 2006

Co-sleeping saved my daughter's life

At 3:30 am, I was woken up by a feeling of warmth spreading across the back of my shirt. It was from Brooke- she had vomited up everything she had eaten yesterday, including pasta. Somehow, a piece of pasta got lodged in her throat while she was vomiting, and I was able to dislodge it so she could breathe.

Last night was not a good night. Brooke conintued to get sick every half hour for the rest of the night, though each episode was not nearly as bad as the first one. By 9 am, she was pale and lethargic. I called the emergency doctor and because she does not have a fever, they told me not to bring her to the hospital, but instead gave me specific directions involving Pedialyte.  She's doing much better now, and is dutifully taking her medicine. (Except now she just threw up and we have to start over.)

What really gets me is how lucky we were that we co sleep. The sound of her getting sick is not what woke me up - it was the feeling of vomit all over me. If she was alone in the dark in her crib, totally dependent on the monitor to let us know she was in trouble, would I have gotten there in time to dislodge the pasta?

Whenever people find out that we co-sleep, they react in either two ways: they give me looks of sympathy, or they tell me how it is a hard habit to break and that we will regret it when we want her to go to her own bed.  What they don't understand is that for our family, a family bed is not a bad habit that needs to be broken - its a way of life, a choice that we made. Now, when people make comments, I can tell them that "co-sleeping works best for us, and even saved my daughter's life."

I'll update more on Brookie later. Ciao!


Anonymous said...

OMG- I am so glad she is alright, thank god you were there.  I hope she starts feeling better soon.Rowan's never spent a night in a different room and rarely different bad (when he was first born he was in basinet) I would be so worried all night.  
Just curious if she is still nursing, I know you said she was cutting down before and you thought she was weaning.

Anonymous said...

forgot to add- glad your back :)  I missed all your links!! and updates

Anonymous said...

forgot to add- glad your back :)  I missed all your links!! and updates
Comment from furbow618 - 1/9/06 12:57 AM

  Aww thanks. It is good to be back.

OMG- I am so glad she is alright, thank god you were there.  I hope she starts feeling better soon.Rowan's never spent a night in a different room and rarely different bad (when he was first born he was in basinet) I would be so worried all night.  
Just curious if she is still nursing, I know you said she was cutting down before and you thought she was weaning.

Thanks. Yes she is still nursing, although not as much as before. She still nurses for naps, and lately more because she is teething.