Thursday, November 17, 2005

big update

Oh my, it's been so long since I've written in here. I've just been sooo busy with school. I'm absolutely swamped with work. I can't believe I only have 4 more weeks left, though. I'm excited and sad at the same time LOL.

Let's see....not much has been going on. I've just been doing school work.  Brookie is doing wonderful, of course.  She's growing up so fast, I can't believe it!! We bought her a toothbrush, and she loves it.  She just has to brush her teeth whenever she sees Mommy or Daddy brushing their teeth, LOL. She's so cute! And she gives kisses now!! Whenever I say to her, "I love you" or "Can I have a kiss?" she really leans over and gives me one! I love it! Today she was a kissing machine, she was giving me kisses when I wasn't even asking, it was so cute!! However, Brooke recently has learned the fine art of the tantrum.  This past weekend it was really bad.  We went to the library, and the book store and both places we had to leave because she threw tantrums.  The problem is that she is independent and wants to walk around, but she gets into things, so when we pick her up to carry her she throws a tantrum. But she's been better this week, thankfully.  She is getting taller too, she now can reach things that she couldn't reach before, and she can now crawl up on the couch by herself.  She also LOVES our new bed, and so do DH and I. It's nice having so much room with Brookie in the bed LOL!!

Hmmm....I think that is pretty much it.  With all the school work lately, my life has been pretty boring LOL. Oh, I did apply for three jobs, but haven't heard anything yet.  They are all nanny jobs, starting in January.  I really want to get a job where I can bring Brooke with me, I'd hate to leave her in a daycare.  I really hope I get a good nanny job, send good job vibes my way!!

Well, that's it.  I'll try to update more often, but don't be surprised if you don't hear from me that often for the next four weeks. I can't wait to graduate!!!!! Ciao!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with finishing school and finding a job :)