Well, babies and sleep seem to be in the news a lot lately. Here are some articles.
This article is especially interesting because it says that Dr. Ferber is changing his statements on CIO. I could never let Brooke cry it out, but I know some parents who do. However, these parents all have children over the age of 6 monhts. I think that letting a baby cry it out is horrible, but letting a young baby cry it out is barbaric and neglect.
Experts offer advice on getting babies to sleep
Here's another article on Dr. Ferber and his efforts to clarify his techniques.
Decades later, sleep doctor clarifies his theory - Nightly News with Brian Wil
And another article on babies and sleep.
ABC News: Desperate to Help Your Baby Fall Asleep?
Last one, LOL.
CTV.ca | Baby sleep experts changing their tune
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