Sunday, September 25, 2005

OK day

Well Brooke really didn't nurse often today, and she played again after dinner instead of nursing, but then nursed later on, so who knows.

Today we went to visit Jason's grandmother, whom I love dearly. I've never met a more down to earth person, I love talking to her. She's so open about my parenting style, even though it is the opposite of what she did as a parent. She always tells me to ignore any criticism, and that I'm doing a great job, and even though she doesn't understand everything I do as a mother, she knows that it must work because Brooke is so happy, healthy, etc.

We also ate at Friendly's, where Brooke made her very first scribble with a crayon. It was adorable! All day she has been in such a great mood, and right now she is happily running around like a maniac, playing with her father.

I finally feel like my life is starting to get back under control. Even though I am sick and have a runny nose and sore throat, I've never felt happier.

Well, I've still got a LOT of homework to do, so I best get started. Ciao!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm a stay-at-home mom and was just browsing around similar journals and found your journal. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit, you have an awesome journal! Take care and have a great week. :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

My grandma is very suppostive of me too- strange since they did things so different back then, but it's nice to have support from a different generation:)  Rachel