Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Friday yet?

Brookie was in such a good mood today, but during the day she was back at her old nursing schedule.  Actually, she nursed even more often then before. But I am pretty sure it is because she has her first cold, so she was nursing more out of comfort.  By the time I left for class, she felt better. When I got home I learned that she had drank only one bottle of ebm, when she usually has three, so that shows that she might actually might be really slowing down with the breastmilk.  I hope so, I hate pumping, and I'll be glad to be done with it. 

My little girl is growing up so fast!! I can't believe how big she is getting! Jason keeps reminding me to stop calling her my baby, that she is a toddler now, but I always forget LOL.  This morning she was an absolute chatter box, constantly babbling the whole time.  It was really hard to leave her to go to class, especially when she started crying at the gate as I was leaving :o(.

She's up right now, playing with her Daddy.  Her sleeping pattern has changed, instead of going to bed around 9, she takes a nap around 7 then stays up till 11 until we all go to bed. I'm not sure how I feel about this yet, sometimes I worry that she isn't getting enough sleep. 

Well, Jason now needs the computer to do his homework.  Gotta love it when both parents are in school LOL. Ciao!


Anonymous said...

You're as smart and articulate as you are beautiful, I love you more than you'll ever know, or allow yourself to believe. - Jason

Anonymous said...

Ok, you mentioned in your email that you were getting comments, so when i saw this entry had a comment, i was intersted to read it. How incredibley sweet is your husband? :-)   I know life isn't always a stroll in the park, but you sure make it look that way! Yay for you for being the best mom and wife you can possibly be and then some! :-) talk to you more soon! (and i'm so glad you updating more frequently again!)