Thursday, November 2, 2006

very, very angry

Sixty minutes did a segment on Attachment Parenting. This segment made me very, very angry. Of course, they would find a family that follows AP philosophies to the extreme to represent  the AP community. Here are the two clips:

Part one.

Part two.

We raise our children using many of the beliefs of the AP model. But we use discipline. If Brooke had called her father an idiot, you bet there would be consequences for her. If she was still nursing, she would know better than to walk up and lift up my shirt and demand to nurse. That is just impolite, and she is a polite girl. Not all AP parents homeschool (although we are going to ) or homebirth (although we did) or quit their jobs to stay with their kids 24-7. And their "expert" Dr. Irvine is a total idiot. As pointed out on a message board, this is from his website:

"* if you're visiting and there's no cot [crib], put the baby in the bath, make it cosy with towels and cushions, but make sure (a) that you remove plugs and soap, (b) that you try this only if the baby can't reach the taps. And (c) last but not least, only if your host doesn't have a child old enough to turn on the taps!"

And he accuses AP parents of socially neglecting their children! grrrr!

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