Sunday, November 5, 2006

MBC opens its doors...

Today I went to a "retreat" held by the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition. It was basically a meeting where they invited non-members to come and participate as they plan their mission and agenda for the upcoming year. The invite did say "nurslings welcome" so I brought Summer with me, however I was the only one there with a baby. Which was fine, b/c she got lots of attention :o). I was rather pleased with our discussion and the goals that the coalition set forth for itself. The goals were numerous and included increasing statistics of breastfeeders, enacting a curriculum in elementary schools that focuses on breastfeeding, working with media, and passing at least one piece of breastfeeding legislation. I also brought up the point of somehow making the pediatricians in our area more breastfeeding friendly. Too many times I have heard women tell how they were breastfeeding but started to have problems, or the baby didn't gain weight fast enough, and so their pediatrician told them to switch to formula. I myself had to switch pediatricians twice when Brooke was an infant before I found one that did not shove formula in my face as the solution to every problem. All in all it was a good meeting :o)

Nothing much else went on this weekend. We did a little shopping and just hung out at the house. Next weekend we are getting family photos taken with the IL's for their wedding anniversary present. I hope that we also have time to do some van shopping, as it is way too crowded in our little car.

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