Wednesday, December 14, 2005

just a little pop in

I'm just popping in quickly to say hi. I'm still alive and kicking. I haven't had time to update in a while.  I'm in the final week of crunch time, last night was my last night of classes, but I still have a lot of papers to pass in and two finals to take.  Monday I have three papers due and a final, and then my last paper is due the 22nd, so after that I will be back to posting regularly.

Brooke is good, she got another cold, which caused her to have an earache.  The ped said she didn't have a full blown ear infection, but wanted to treat it as one anyway for preventive measures.  She's doing great now, gives kisses regularly, and has learned how to point at things she wants.

She gave me a good laugh today while she was eating lunch.  For anyone who wants to know what it's like to feed lunch to a dramatic 15 month old, the pictures tell the story.


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