Wednesday, October 12, 2005

article: bf'ing and sagging breasts!

The most ridiculous reason I've ever heard for a mother not to breastfeed is because she doesn't want her breasts to sag@@. First of all, pregnancy makes your breasts sag, not nursing. And second of all, even IF bf'ing made your breasts sag, so what? It's not about you anymore, it's about your child, isn't it? My breasts are working breasts, and if they were to sag because of nursing, which this article says isn't the case, then at least they would go out with a bang!!!

Does Breastfeeding = Sagging breasts? - JAMAICAOBSERVER.COM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the article yet- but I've read before that pregnancy- and your milk coming in can make your breasts change- and the milk comes in whether or not your breastfeeding- it's just a lot easier on your body if you are :)