Sunday, October 30, 2005

Happy Halloween!!

Well, the weekend was pretty good. Yesterday we dressed Brookie up in her costume and took her grocery shopping with us at BJ's. Everyone thought she was so cute!! Then we took her to see Helen (yay! I love Helen) and then the IL's. Thankfully, we didn't stay long. After that it was over to my aunt's, then our neighboors.

Today I just worked on my schoolwork. Jason took Brookie out to run errands so I could get some work done. I cooked fish for lunch and he watched her while I wrote my papers. Brookie was so cute! I was typing my paper at the computer when she walked up to me and looked at me. Then she went across the room, grabbed the boppy pillow, dragged it over to me, place it on my lap, then lifted her arms LOL. I guess she wanted to nurse! It was the cutest thing ever, she is so smart!! Her cold is a little worse, she was very boogery, but I am feeling better and so is Jason.

I finished both my papers and I am not relaxing before I go to bed. I also have to order my cap and gown, I was supossed to do it on Friday :ox! Ciao!!

article: good news in chandler!!

Good news in Chandler, yay! We have a victory!!!

KPHO Phoenix - Chandler Approves Breastfeeding in Public

Chandler allows mom's to breast feed in public

Friday, October 28, 2005


ick, ick, ick, I'm so sick, sick, sick.

Brookie is fine now. She pretty much slept through the night. I, on the other hand, got no sleep. I got the same cold that Jason and Brookie had, only 10x worse. Go figure.

I pretty much felt miserable all day.

The good thing is that Brooke was really good all day, and was pretty much happy playing on her own with her toys while I crashed on the couch with a box of tissues and some cough drops. When Jason got home he took over and gave her a bath and we watched a movie. Now Jason is in bed and I am getting ready to crash myself with Brooke. We will again sleep in her room, this time because otherwise I would be the one to keep Jason up all night.

Tomorrow there is a chance we might see the IL's. grrrr. I'm sick and the house it totally, and do I mean totally, trashed. I have a paper due monday, a test on tuesday, and another paper on wednesday, plus my regular school work. And at some point I have to dress Brookie up in her Halloween costume and take her somewhere for Halloween, but I have no clue what we're going to do yet. Sigh. What a time for me to get sick.

Brooke was acting very silly today, which kept me laughing despite my misery. I posted some pics I took of her. Yup, that is her walking around with a paper bag on her head, which she kept putting on her head herself. It was the funniest thing. She also kept running up to me and giving me kisses without me even asking for them, which made me feel really good. She even gave a kiss to Grandma and a bunch to Aunty Stacie, who ::gasp:: actually endured them LOL (although I did think I saw her wipe her face afterwards lol).

Tomorrow on top of cleaning, IL's and homework, and me still being sick, we also have to do some major grocery shopping. What a fun weekend I have in front of me @@.

Send me some get well vibes, and some no IL vibes while you are at it. Ciao!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

tough day

Well Brookie was miserable all morning. I just tried my best to comfort her and make her feel better, which included a lot of cuddling. Thankfully, after Jason got home she was in a much better mood, despite the continued flow of boogers and coughs. I took some pics of her being a trooper, she didn't complain at all once Daddy was home LOL.

I could also tell that her throat was hurting her, so I gave in and let her have a popsicle, her first one. I think she liked it LOL. In the last pic you can see the boogies under her nose, poor baby.

Well she finally fell asleep, Jason is still sick and asleep.....and now I am also sick. I can feel it coming, my nose is a little runny and my throat is feeling a little sore. Oh well, it was bound to happen. Tomorrow the plan is to rent movies and just cuddle on the couch, I'm not going to bring Brooke to the halloween party when she is this sick.

I also emailed my prof about the exam and thankfully he was really cool and understanding and is letting me take it on tuesday. That is the one thing I love about Univ of Hartford, the prof's are really cool and laid back.

Well, off to bed. Brooke and I are sleeping in her room again so Jason can get some much needed sleep. Ciao!

article: hershey's attacks nursing wear store

Yet another example of corporate greed @@

Milkdudz vs. Hershey's...Going Beyond the "Sweet Tooth" This Halloween

article: bf'ing witch

I love this, it gave me a much needed laugh today!!

Here's the link to the article. Note the difference between the woman who was offended by the display and not ready to "discuss" it with her grandchild, and the open-minded parents who saw it as an oppurtunity to educate their 5 yr old on a natural and loving process. - Local / Regional News: Vermont witch display sparks chest beating

my poor sick baby :o(

My poor baby has her first real cold. Yup, she is a coughing, boogerie monster. Seriously, the snots are never ending. Bet you wanted to know that, right? She's is VERY cranky, and won't eat or drink. Except mommy milk, of course, but even that is difficult cause of her stuffy nose. So I won't be going to class today, which means I am going to miss an exam. ::sigh:: Hopefully the prof will be understanding....   She must have caught the cold from Jason. She was a little boogery yesterday during the day, but nothing major. I went to class and when I came home she was a coughing mess. Brooke and I slept on the floor of her room last night so Jason could get some sleep, since he is also still sick, and she just couldn't sleep, she kept coughing and crying and trying to nurse. It wasn't a fun night.   Hopefully she'll feel better soon. This is going to be a fun day....

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

massive update - eek!!

Well, it's been a whole week since I last wrote in here. I've been swamped with work LOL. Hmm....let's see...

Thursday I ended up not going to class...I really can't remember why...I think it was b/c I couldn't find a babysitter? It didn't matter because I didn't miss the review for the mid term....the test was rescheduled for Thursday and the review was today.

Friday night we went to Jason's aunt's birthday party. It was really good to see some people that I haven't seen in a while, and my mom came also, since she is good friends with his aunt (Jason and I met at a family party she threw). Oh, also, on the way to the party, we were driving on the back roads in hick town, when all of a sudden a huge clyesdale (sp?) horse can running out into the road in front of my car!! I came soooo close to hitting him, it was a miracle I didn't! I swerved and we barely missed him, but it was so scary!! I hope his owners found him shortly after!

Saturday we were supossed to go to Jason's grandparent's, but that was cancelled because his grandmother wasn't feeling well. So instead we went to the mall. I bought a pair of shoes and some socks and we ate at TGIF's. It was pretty fun, and nice to get out with just the three of us.

Sunday we did a massive cleaning of the house and also worked on school work.

That is pretty much it for the week. I went to class last night, and then again today. I also went to my meeting to apply for my degree today, which went good. The ceremony is dec 4th, and I can't wait. Only 8 weeks left. It isn't ending soon enough.

Jason was sick and stayed home from work today. Boy, was he a grouch when I got home! He just kept snapping at me all night. I know it was cause he is sick, but it is still frustrating.

Lately I've been suffering from insomnia. I know it's because of my school schedule. I started staying up late to finish work, and now I can't get my body to go to sleep before 2 am. Brooke usually copies my sleep cycle, so now she is also up late with me, which I know it isn't good. Good thing we both sleep in now, till at least 10am, instead of 7 am like before. But I'm still tired alllll the time, so I drink a lot of coffee, and it keeps me up all night....and so the vicious cycle continues. I just keep thinking of how it is all going to end in 8 weeks, and my life will go back to normal.

I posted some random pics of Brooke that I took.

Well, I think I might finally be getting sleepy, so I'm off to try to get some sleep. Ciao!

article: benefits of co-sleeping

Here's an article on the benefits of co-sleeping. Its written in the UK, so offers another culture's perspective and some great sources.

Independent Online Edition > Health Medical

article: tucson, az

The effects of Chandler have spread to other towns in AZ. Here are two articles on Tucson, AZ.

Tucson to address public breastfeeding debate

Council asked to support right to nurse babies in public places | The Arizona

article: chandler, az updates

Here's a link to an article that updates the situation.

East Valley Tribune | Daily Arizona news for Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe, Mesa, S

Here's a link that has the lawyer's contact info in case you want your opinion heard.

City Attorney

article: comments on "safety" of crib sleeping

Here's a link to a study on crib sleeping. Just click on the crib sleeping link to find the results. It's pretty interesting, and contrasts with the AAP's new recommendations on safe sleeping.

Comments on the CPSC

article: stupid reasons not to breastfeed @@

Here's an article that outlines the "disadvantages" of breastfeeding. It's a bunch of crock. I just had to address each reason personally.

If you can't breast feed here are some reasons not to feel guilty

  • People who tell you that breastfeeding helps you 'bond' with your child have been watching too much daytime TV. You will love that baby whether it is fed by breast, bottle or naso-gastric tube, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • Well I can't really comment on this one since I never bottle fed...but I can say, when I am nursing, I can not imagine anyone getting the same experience with a bottle.

  • Allergies such as asthma and excema are on the increase in all young children. Breast milk may reduce the incidence of some allergic reactions, but plenty of breast-fed babies go on to develop allergies, and plenty of formula-fed babies don't.
  • Yes. And plenty of smokers don't develope lung cancer. It doesn't make smoking less dangerous.

  • Breastfeeding establishes an exclusive and mutually dependent relationship between mother and child. This can be enormously rewarding for both, but it certainly excludes the dads. It also establishes a pattern where the mother has the vast majority of responsibility for the baby, and this pattern can be very difficult to break as the child grows up.
  • This one is especially irritating to me. Jason is in no way excluded from a relationship with Brooke. He bonds with her in other ways. He gives her her dinner solids, and he also gives her her baths. He also has daddy-daughter play time every night. He doesn't feel left out at all. Also, we share equal responsibility in raising Brooke, as shown with him giving baths, etc. He also gets up with her at night and changes the same if not more amount of diapers that I do. I have witnessed many bottle fed babies whose fathers have no relationship with them and they leave the raising up to the mother. It has to do with the family choice in raising the child, not in how the child is fed.@@

  • Dad may not be the only one who feels left out. Many of us have our second baby a year or two after number one, and cuddling a potentially jealous toddler while trying to keep the new arrival latched on is a tricky business both physically and emotionally.
  • Does this mean that a toddler with a bottle fed sibling is never jealous and challenging to the mother? How is the mother to feed the bottle fed infant in this situation? Bottle propping? @@ It's the same challenges for both bf'ing and bottle feeding situations.

  • This seems an obvious point, but it is worth remembering that if you breastfeed, it will be you that gets up for all the night-time feeds.
  • I co sleep. I don't get up at all. Jason gets her and brings her to the bed, she latches on, and we all go back to sleep. Meanwhile, the mother of the bottle fed infant has to get up, prepare a bottle, feed the infant while up, and in the morning have to clean up the mess. If a bf'ing mother doesn't co sleep, she can always pump milk for the father to feed at night to share the responsibility. So, in actuality, the bf'ing mother gets more sleep.

  • Expressing milk works well for some women but, while a baby at the breast feels natural, warm and loving, a breast pump feels cold, uncomfortable and downright silly.
  • Nothing is silly when it comes to providing the best for your infant's health.

  • It may sound frivolous, but it is worth considering that the longer you breastfeed, the longer you need maternity bras, and for some of us breastfeeding also means wearing a bra at night - not very romantic!
  • I stopped wearing maternity bras a while back. And yes, I wear a bra to bed, like a lot of other women, whether they are bf'ing or not. And besides, the benefits are worth it.

    As for the romantic husband has no qualms about removing my bra....he's not lazy enough where me wearing a bra at night is going to deter him from romance, how ridiculous is that @@

  • Moving a baby on from breast to bottle can be very hard work. If you hope to start bottle feeding once you go back to work, make sure you plan ahead and do it gradually, or you may have a very angry baby to deal with!
  • With proper preparation, its not hard at all.

  • After nine months of eating healthily and depriving yourself of treats you may feel you deserve a stiff drink. Choosing to breastfeed means having to be restrained that bit longer, which can seem a bit unfair if your partner is out 'wetting the baby's head'.
  • Bf'ing mothers candrink. Alcohol leaves the breast milk as soon as it leaves the blood system.  If you are ok to drive, then bf'ing shouldn't be a problem. However, if you really are concerned, and still want to drink yourself silly, you can always feed your baby pumped milk. Or better yet, don't's not good for you anyways.

    Of course, lets not mention the other benefits of bf'ing....lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer, lower risk of illness for the infant, etc. This article is ridiculous! @@

    Wednesday, October 19, 2005

    hump day

    Well today is Wednesday...hump day....I couldn't go to school because I couldn't find a babysitter for Brooke. I am worried that tomorrow I might run into the same problem, when I really need to go to class because we are reviewing for a test on Tuesday.

    Not much has been going on at all. Just homework and playing with Brooke. I have to work on a paper for a bit tonight and make sure I get it finished by Friday.  I only have 9 more weeks of school, so the pressure is on LOL. Hopefully the time will pass quick, I can't wait to be out of school and not have to deal with the stress anymore.

    Hmm....I really don't have anything to say LOL. This week has been pretty boring.  I guess I better go work on my paper. Ciao!!

    another funny comic

    This is a really cute comic...

    You can find the rest of the series here:


    AAP guidelines corrupted by sponsors?

    In a previous entry I mentioned that I heard the sponsors of the studies that led the AAP to recommend that babies sleep in cribs with pacifiers were companies of crib manufacturers, etc.  Turns out I was basically right.  Here's a compiled list of the companies, they either manufacture pacifiers and cribs or sell them.  In fact, the day after the AAP announced their findings, Wal Mart sold out of pacifiers.

    Jennifer_Z's Xanga Site - 10/16/2005 1:11:42 AM

    ot article: spears

    All I can say is @@

    Spears struggles with motherhood : The Bosh

    article: binky vs. breast

    Here's an article that discusses the binky vs breast debate recently sparked by the new AAP guidelines. - The binky vs. the breast

    funny comic

    Today's Comic

    article: african mothers see strollers as bad

    Here's an interesting article that presents a different cultural perspective on strollers. I personally only use my stroller when it is absolutely necessary, and even then most of the time I am pushing around an empty stroller and carrying her in my other arm LOL.

    African mothers see baby strollers as abhorrent fad / Tradition of carrying ch

    Monday, October 17, 2005


    Well here are the pics of the museum I promised. I also posted random pics of Brooke sleeping with my mom, in her high chair, getting ready for her bath, and getting into trouble LOL.

    Well it rained here for 10 days straight, and the result was flooding.  The governor called for a State of Emergency. Everywhere was flooded, we watched on the news people in rowboats in the towns next to us. We are lucky, we live on a hill, so we only got a little flooding in our basement.  Because of the flooding we couldn't go to the IL's, and I don't think they were happy about that, but oh well tough.

    On Friday Jason and I went to see the movie FlightPlan. It was really good, we both liked it. Saturday we did nothing b/c of the rain and flooding, Sunday was the same thing.  Today I just read some schoolwork and then went to class, which was ok.

    Brooke is so cute! She now says Hi, and she'll say Hi daddy or hi mommy whenever we say hi to her.  When she gets upset she now asks for me too, it's adorable.  She watches football with Jason, so now whenever she hears the word touchdown she throws her arms up in the air and makes the sound for touchdown, it is so adorable!! You can also see that she is understanding a lot more of what we say to her, like come here, time for a diaper change, bath time, etc.

    So in the past two weeks I have lost 8 lbs.  I really think it is because of the decrease in nursing, so now my body isn't hanging onto fat from food anymore to make as much milk as I was.  I'm really excited, I'm winning the bet I have going with my mom on who could lose the most weight before November.

    Well, that's pretty much it. I better go wake up Jason, both he and Brooke fell asleep on the couch LOL. Ciao!!

    Saturday, October 15, 2005

    article: Dr. Sears and AAP

    In this article, Dr. Sears speaks out against the new AAP recommendations for co sleeping (or not co sleeping, in this case).

    "What we do disagree with is that the AAP continues to recommend against co-sleeping with a baby in the parents’ bed. In our experience and review of worldwide research, sleeping with a baby in the parents’ bed dramatically reduces the risk of SIDS. While the AAP policy doesn’t say co-sleeping causes SIDS, it says the risk of accidental suffocation of approximately 65 babies each year in a parent’s (which isn’t SIDS – it’s accidental death) warrants avoiding co-sleeping. What the AAP continues to ignore, however, is the fact that virtually all of the 2500 cases of SIDS each year in the U.S. occur in cribs..."


    article: AAP errors

    The AAP recently released a statement saying that babies should sleep by themselves in the crib, and they should sleep with pacifiers @@. Here's an article that disputes their research. BTW, I heard, but have not confirmed, that the "studies" performed that proved cribs were safer were funded by crib manufacturers. I don't know if this is true or not though.

    "Contrary to even the recommendations of its own Section on Breastfeeding, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released an ill-advised and ill-informed statement from its Task Force on SIDS (1) (sudden infant death syndrome). Recommendations that advise against parent-infant bed-sharing and support the generic use of pacifiers imply a "truly astounding triumph of ethnocentric assumptions over common sense and medical research," according to Nancy Wight, M.D., president of The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. These controversies, and many more, will be addressed in the upcoming, new peer-reviewed journal Breastfeeding Medicine (, the Official Journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine..."

    Breaking News: Breastfeeding Is Associated with a Lower Risk of SIDS According to The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine

    article: mag cover interview

    This article is an interview of the woman whose baby appeared breastfeeding on a magazine cover, for which the editor was fired and the magazine pulled.

    "The nursing mother whose photo was pulled from the cover of an Irving-owned newspaper says outdated attitudes prevent many moms from giving their babies the healthiest start possible...."


    CBC New Brunswick - Covergirl mother says breast is best

    Wednesday, October 12, 2005

    what a week so far!

    OMG what a weekend. Since Friday night, I was unable to get online until todaoy, due to our phones not working cause of the storms we got. I think I had internet withdrawals LOL.

    So on Saturday we went to Boston. We visited Quincy Market and took Brooke to the Children's Museum. I did take pics, and will post them later. I'm just too tired to do it now.

    Sunday we went to my cousin's house warming party. It was really fun, and I love what she did to her house. I can't wait till we get ours! I took pics of the party too, and will also post those later.

    Because I couldn't get online I couldn't do most of my homework. Luckily I got an extention on the paper that was due yesterday. Monday night I went to class, which was interesting. We had a huge debate on wether stay at home moms should get paid to raise their children. I bet you can guess which side I was on. Tuesday I played hooky to work on my paper, and today class was cancelled because of the holiday. Tomorrow I go to one class, then its the weekend again, thank God. The house is trashed and I have a ton of homework to do LOL. ugh.

    Well that's all for now. I'm falling asleep, it's bed time. Ciao!

    article: bf'ing benefits mother

    Cool article on the benefits of bf'ing for the mother.

    Surprise! Breastfeeding Benefits Mother, Too

    article: bf'ing and sagging breasts!

    The most ridiculous reason I've ever heard for a mother not to breastfeed is because she doesn't want her breasts to sag@@. First of all, pregnancy makes your breasts sag, not nursing. And second of all, even IF bf'ing made your breasts sag, so what? It's not about you anymore, it's about your child, isn't it? My breasts are working breasts, and if they were to sag because of nursing, which this article says isn't the case, then at least they would go out with a bang!!!

    Does Breastfeeding = Sagging breasts? - JAMAICAOBSERVER.COM

    article: editor fired over bf'ing cover

    OOOO This makes me so mad!!! This is insane, nobody should have been upset over this cover, and the editor definatly should not have been fired! Lots of mags had covers that revealed much more of a woman's body than this cover! I would def write this magazine and tell them how outrageous this is!!

    CBC New Brunswick - Irving news pulls breastfeeding cover, fires editor

    Original Oct. 6 cover

    article: cribs and pacifiers safer?

    Hmmm...this study makes me angry because it goes against every other study done that shows co-sleeping is safer as long as you follow certain precautions. I still believe in that. There is no reason to fear co sleeping, as long as you follow the guidelines, it is safer than crib sleeping.

    I did hear that the study was conducted by crib manufacturers.... Study: Cribs cut SIDS risk


    article: fine for harassing bf'ing mothers

    Finally! The world makes sense once again! :o) - Family - Harassing Breast-Feeding Mothers Could Lead To Fines

    article: solid food myths

    Interesting article about solid food myths. I especially like that they point out that cereal isn't as nutritious as once thought, and that table foods are fine. Brooke didn't start on solids until she was 6 months old, and didn't really become interested in them until recently.

    Experts Seek to Debunk Baby Food Myths - Yahoo! News

    article: bf'ing can prevent sids

    article about how bf'ing can prevent SIDS - Breast-feeding, smoking prevention can stop SIDS

    Friday, October 7, 2005

    boring day

    Well today was pretty much a boring day.  Brooke was really cranky, so after her nap we brought a blanket and some toys outside and she played quietly in the yard while I got some homework done. When Stacie got home we went to Target, where I bought some groceries and a housewarming present for my cousin, whose party is on Sunday. When I got home I played with Brooke and she went to bed, and now I am thinking about doing more homework.

    I've been really lazy with the housework lately, and boy does it show LOL. Oh well, there are more important things than have a spotless house. I'm sure I'll do some cleaning this weekend sometimes.

    Well, I've got homework and laundry to do. Ciao!

    article: male circumcism

    Article and summary I found in the mothering magazine website...

    The First Cut is the Deepest

    Parents, child advocates and activists have rallied for years against circumcision, deeming it both unnecessary and unkind. A new article in the current issue of the Journal of Medical Ethics states that additionally, circumcision is ethically inappropriate and unlawful. According to authors M. Fox and M. Thomson, from the School of Law, Keele University, UK, "We conclude that it is ethically inappropriate to subject children—male or female—to the acknowledged risks of circumcision and contend that there is no compelling legal authority for the common view that male circumcision is lawful."

    The article "A covenant with the status quo..." exposes circumcision proponents as "evangelists" and their continued commitment to mass circumcision "problematic in a number of

    Increasingly, attention is being paid to the ethics surrounding routine circumcision—and to a child's human rights including that of self-determination. As a result, longstanding medical and cultural arguments favoring routine circumcision are being evidenced as moot or insignificant in comparison.

    article: the politics of diapers

    This is an Excellent article written about the political history of the battle between disposables and cloth diapers. It generally outlines what steps have been taking to reduce the use of disposables, and what dangers are inherent in their use.

    Mothering Magazine Article: The Politics of Diapers

    article: Breastfeeding in whose public?

    This is a great aricle written by the editor of Mothering magazine, my favorite magazine.  It's a really good article support breastfeeding in public.

    Mothering Magazine Peggy O'Mara's Editorials on Natural Family Living

    Thursday, October 6, 2005

    On Dr. Phil tomorrow

    Check out what's going to be on Dr. Phil tomorrow. This ought to be interesting.....

    Friday - October 7, 2005

    The Latest Debates

    Dr. Phil and his guests strike up heated conversations as they debate the latest hot topics. Should women give up their right to breast-feed their babies in public so other people don't feel uncomfortable? Will passing out condoms in schools prevent unwanted pregnancies or just send the message to kids that it's OK to have sex? And, is it acceptable for others to discipline your kids if they see them acting out in public, or should they just mind their own business? Dr. Phil weighs in on these controversial subjects.


    Well, Brooke is now officially on cow's milk while I am in school. No more pumping for me, yay! I have noticed that she nurses more often when I'm around though, which is perfectly fine with me. She's getting so big! Today she was so cute, just walking around and laughing randomly.  My mom was on the phone and she picked up on the other line and was babbling into the phone, it was so cute. Luckily my mom was talking to a friend and not a client LOL.

    Well today I took a quiz and I don't think I did too hot. I hate this class, this professor goes on and on about nothing and then quizzes us on things we never discussed, grrrrr!!

    When I got home we went out for Chinese food. Brooke is already in bed, and I am just doing homework.

    Next week I am going to be going to the gym on the days that I go to school. Now that I don't have to worry about pumping, I'm going to go to school an hour early and use the gym there, which is free for me since I am a student. Hopefully I can then lose the last of this baby weight!

    Well, time to get back to homework. Ciao!!

    VERY addictive game

    This site is really cool and very addictive. I've done the crimson room and the blue room, but can't figure out the viridian room. Enjoy!


    article: cloth diapering resources

    Here's an article with links to some cloth diapering resources. My only regret with cloth diapering is that I didn't do it sooner, I waited until she was 8 months old.

    Cloth diapering resources on the web - Blogging Baby - _

    article: bf'ing leads to dehydration?

    Well, at least they wrote that it isn't a reason to stop bf'ing. @@

    Breastfeeding difficulties may lead to dehydration in infants

    Tuesday, October 4, 2005


    Well on Sunday we didn't even leave the house, we just hung out all day. It was nice. I got a lot of homework and cleaning done, and we changed Brooke's crib over to a toddler bed. I took some pics, she absolutely loved it. She's a little young for it, but that point is moot since she sleep with us LOL. I just got sick of using the crib for storage and wanted to make it look nice. When she's around 15 months I will start to put her in it for naps.

    Yesterday Brooke had her one year checkup.  She now weighs 19.5 lbs, a full two pounds heavier from July.  She is 29 inches tall.  Doctor said she looks perfect, and to keep doing what I am doing.  I love her new Ped, she bf'ed both her babies until at least 18 months, so she is very supportive of my bf'ing. Brooke also got two shot, poor baby. She def was not happy about that and was a little cranky for the rest of the day.

    When I got back from school I found out that Brooke had drank 1.5 bags of ebm.  So I guess my days of pumping aren't over yet. I think though that it might have been just that she wasn't feeling well because of the shots, so I still didn't pump. There are 1.5 bags in the freezer for today, but I'm going to tell my mom to try to avoid giving them to her. I really want her weaned off the ebm, especially since she is going so well with solids now.

    Well, I have a quiz today and I  have to study. Ciao!

    article: tooth decay from bf'ing?

    ::sigh:: I just love how they didn't think it was relevant to test formula.  When I nurse Brooke to sleep, I always make sure she swallows when she pops off.

    KSDK NewsChannel 5 - Where The News Comes First

    article: world bf'ing challenge

    Here's an article that discusses the world breasfeeding challenge.

    Drayton Valley Western Review, Drayton Valley, AB

    article: husband's support matters

    Here's an article discussing the importance of husband support when breastfeeding. I was lucky, Jason is extremely supportive, and definalty helped me get through the tought spots in nursing. I've heard horrible stories from women who aren't as lucky. :o(

    ABC News: Husband's support can help with breastfeeding

    Saturday, October 1, 2005

    Day at the Big E

    Well this weekend has been great so far.  Yesterday Jason went to a wake, and I stayed home with Brooke.  We went to Target, where I picked Brooke up some new winter pajamas.  We also window shopped at other stores that were in the same plaza.  Then we went to Blockbuster where I rented The Rainmaker. I had just finished the book and wanted to see the movie.  As usual, the book was 100 times better than the movie.

    This morning we woke up early and went out to eat for breakfast, then we went to the Big E fair. I posted pics.  We had such a blast! It was nice to get out again as a family, and Brooke definately had lots of fun.  We just walked around, looking at the stores, and watched the horse shows for a while too.

    When we got home Brooke was a little monster, running around and laughing.  It was so cute.  She got a kick out of me chasing her, and was laughing at everything LOL.  Then I did some homework, and Jason fed her dinner and gave her a bath, then talked on the phone with his friend about football.  When she saw she wasn't going to be getting any attention from him, she came crying to me LOL. I picked her up, held her, and sang "the ants go marching." By the time I finished the song, she was fast asleep.

    This makes the fourth night in a row that she went to sleep without nursing.

    It's such a bittersweet moment.  Jason keeps telling me that this was expected, but I didn't expect it so soon.  I still can't really tell if she is slowly weaning or just slowing down.  She obviously doesn't nurse at night anymore, but she still nurses to nap and at least three times during the day, so I don't know. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I'm so happy that I don't have to pump anymore though, and so proud that she is able to take the lead on this one. She's growing up so fast!! :*)

    Well that is pretty much it. Tomorrow I have a TON of cleaning and laundry to do, and also homework. I decided that by next week I will start working on my store again, that I should be able to handle it by then.  However, if I start to get too stressed again, I will put it off for a little longer.  I'm actually looking forward to sewing though, so that is a good sign.

    Well, off to do more homework! Ciao!

    article: toddler nursing

    This is a great article discussing toddler nursing.  Although the article was written in Australia, many of the obstacles to toddler nursing described in Australia are also occuring here. It also compares the US to other countries in terms of breastfeeding rates.


    The Australian: Price of premature weaning [October 01, 2005]

    article: pros of attachment parenting

    This article disscusses attachment parenting and the advantages it offers to both parents and children.

    Baby Parenting: Mothering matters at Pregnancy & Baby

    article: hello cloth, good bye disposables

    Here's a neat article discussing the growing popularity of cloth diapers and the advantages of using them. :o)

    Baby Parenting: Hello cloth, good-bye disposables at Pregnancy & Baby