Sunday, June 12, 2005


Ok, so I am angry. I was reading the June 2005 issue of Parents magazine, when I came upon an article entitled "I Still Nurse My 5-Year-Old." Great! A story that is pro-breastfeeding, yay! The story interviewed the mother and explained the benefits of extending breastfeeding and how it has not only improved the health of her children, but the emotional benefits as well. The mother also explained how she is constantly critisized and ridiculed by everyone, even her closest friends. I say Bravo! to her. What she is doing is guaranteeing a healthy life for her children, and no one has the right to criticize her for that.

Anyways, onto the part that made me mad. On the side of the interview was a column titled "Time to Wean? Experts Weigh In." The first to experts, both lactation consultants, stated the benefits of extending breastfeeding. But then came the "expertise" of Dr. Willam Carey, from the Children's Hopsital of Philadelphia, division of pediatrics. This so called "expert" states: "In the first few months of life, breast milk is a near-perfect and complete diet. But once solid foods are introduced, it becomes less important in terms of nutritional value."

I couldn't believe it. LLL and AAP both agree that breastmilk should be the primary food in the first year of a baby's life. Solid foods that are introduced should complement the breastmilk, not replace it. Breast milk certaintly does not lose its importance after the first months of life, or after solids are introduced. This "experts" opinion is hogwash. It is ignorance such as this, that is passed off as "expert" opinion, that hurts the breastfeeding cause in this country. GRRRRR.

Ok, after the ignorant expert opinion follows another comment that encourages extended breastfeeding (yay!), which is then followed by another ignorant "expert" opinion. According to Dr. Darshak Sanghavi, at Children's Hospital in Boston, "The argument that other cultures breastfeed older kids doesn't really apply in our society. In those cultures, it's much harder to find good nutrition..." I would have to seriously disagree with this statement. In those other cultures, where good nutrition is hard to find, how many kids do you think are suffering from childhood obesity and other childhood dieseases? Therates of childhood obesity and related illnesses in this country are shockingly high, and steadily climbing. Let's face it, McDonalds does not offer good nutrition. Extended breastfeeding is extremely beneficial to a child's health, especially in these days of a fast food culture. Again, this expert's opinion is hogwash. GRRRRR

And that is my vent of the night. Ciao!


Anonymous said...

I think people who breast feed to age 5 has an emotional issue.

Anonymous said...

When does the perfect food become less perfect?  I do know that my child who breast fed up until the upper limit of what is considered normal for humans (eight-nine) only went to the doctor twice in her whole life. She got lots of immunity from me!