Monday, March 7, 2005

aaahhh schoool

Did you ever have one of those days where you feel like you are never going to get ahead? I had one of those today. I was just short on my temper with everything, with Brooke, DH, everything. I feel horrible b/c I was wicked bitchy. If I was still recieving visits from AF, I would say that a visit was coming soon. But I'm not, so I don't know what gives.

I'm just feeling overwhelmed with school. It seems like I can never get ahead, that I am always pulling all nighters. And I really want to have time to excercise. I did pilates last night and felt great afterward. I would like to work in an hour of excercising a day, but so far that hasn't been working out well. *sigh*

I was also impatient with Brooke. I didn't lose my temper, just got irritated. I can't wait until this growth spurt or whatever is over, but now I'm scared that it already ended, and that she just had a shift in personality where she constantly has to be held or fed or comforted.  Everytime I want to get something done, she starts crying, even when she's been fed and changed. *sigh*

Ok, here's the plan tomorrow. I probably won't get any work done before school, but if Brooke does happen to nap, then I am going to spend a half hour on my paper, then a half hour working out, then a half hour on my paper, etc. until she wakes up.  Then, when I get home, I will focus solely on my paper. I'm not too worried about this paper, it doesn't seem too hard.

Well, I guess I better get going. I gotta pump and get to bed. Ciao!

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